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Giving Back to Your Community: How to Support Local Heroes

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve seen the emergence of local heroes. From brave clinical staffs to first responders, firefighters, and emergency preparedness teams, we’ve witnessed a mass mobilization to protect those in need. But as these men and women pour out their compassion in the battle against coronavirus, we must remember that they, too, need support. Long days, mounting stress, and fear for loved ones can erode the well-being of even the most dedicated spirits. But you can help.

As a member of the commercial sector, you know how to innovate and address developing needs, and our communities require your help now more than ever. Below are some impactful strategies that your business can use to keep our heroes healthy and strong.

Offer Complementary Services

Everyday heroes still live everyday lives.

The stressors of life and family do not vanish in times of crisis, and the brave men and women who keep us safe still need car maintenance, gas, lawn care, uniform cleaning, and other quality of life services. However, during these difficult days, they have less time and energy to manage those expectations.

Something as simple as offering a free oil change, or complementary dry cleaning for first responders or medical staff can go a long way to lightening their burden.

Additionally, these strategies are easy to implement, because most healthcare and emergency management workers have badges or photo IDs that confirm that they work in the required fields. They can simply show their identification to qualify for any special programs you provide.

Offering free or discounted services, especially those that address practical needs, will help these everyday heroes spend more time focusing on their life-saving work while also helping you build lasting relationships with these dedicated community members.

Donate Branded Merchandise

Set aside the refrigerator magnets and consider what counts.

Everybody likes donated merchandise, but for healthcare and rescue workers, these gifts will be especially appreciated if they are both thoughtful and useful. For example, hospital staff spend extraordinary amounts of time on their feet – wearing out shoes and compression socks at a rapid pace.

Also, first responders and other emergency staff live on the go, and rarely get predictable breaks for coffee and rest, so wireless phone chargers, quality travel mugs and other items that provide convenience to harried workers will help them feel recognized.

Furthermore, hand sanitizer and cloth masks are currently in short supply. Some businesses with access to alcohol and cloth, like breweries and craft stores, have undertaken efforts to manufacture disinfection products and facial coverings to protect emergency responders. Even small batches of these items can help protect public safety while showing how much you care.

Unsure of what might best serve your local heroes? Just ask.

Calling your local hospital or fire department and expressing your desire to provide in-kind support will generate a flood of enthusiasm and ideas – and you can rest assured knowing that you’ve provided exactly the help these heroes need.

Provide a Meal 

The way to a first responder’s heart is through their stomach.

The hours worked by emergency services staff, from nurses to police officers, are notoriously long and erratic. In a time of crisis, this is even more true. Breakfasts and lunches are skipped, and staff look to coffee and energy drinks to make it through.

Food donations, especially ones that are easy to eat on the go, such as bottled juice, pizza, granola bars and small sandwiches, are always appreciated. If you are not allowed on premises to protect public health, a quick phone call to the recipient site can help you arrange a safe food delivery or drop off for their staff.

If you are considering this strategy, here are some tips for success:

▪        Consider the 3rd shift: Most emergency response professions have 24-hour coverage, and the night shift is often overlooked. Including, or even prioritizing, these night workers is certain to generate positive feelings.

▪        Acknowledge support staff: COVID-19 has challenged not only our frontline workers, but also the staff who support them, such hospital cleaning crews who are working twice as hard with limited supplies. These men and women are frequently forgotten when local heroes are recognized. Providing a meal, or even coffee, specifically to these individuals will be a gesture long remembered.

Give the Gift of Time

When it comes to making a difference in your community, time really is on your side. And, while temporary closures have challenged many companies, it doesn’t mean your ability to serve your community or build relationships is gone.

Volunteerism provides real value, while showing our everyday heroes that you are literally right beside them in their difficult moments. And nearly every emergency response service has volunteer needs right now. Some may require assistance with grounds maintenance, like help planting flowers or picking up litter, while others may need help with homemade masks, mask extenders and medical gowns. Some companies with significant resources, and reduced workflow, have even paid their staff to help with community service efforts.

And don’t forget that your talents and experiences can also be a precious resource. Many companies have used technology to provide free educational sessions for adults or storytime for children. If you specialize in videography or entertainment, there are a host of ways those talents can be leveraged to enrich communities.

Furthermore, engaging employees in these efforts expands your capacity to assist, while providing your team with the improved morale that comes with service-above-self. If you want your staff to feel confident that your company can weather the current storm, just provide them with chances to give of themselves, and you’ll watch them become heroes, too.

Raise Funds and Awareness

While direct donations to emergency service institutions are always welcome, initiating a fundraiser benefits local heroes while increasing awareness of your brand – and theirs.

You could donate a portion of the proceeds from standard sales or develop a special item from which to donate funds - like a “Everyday Heroes” t-shirt. These strategies will help generate customer interest while recognizing emergency response institutions in your community.

Businesses of all sizes can also create charitable funds, which provide tax benefits while providing ongoing support. As a longer-term effort, creating a charitable fund can allow your business to build new relationships and develop a presence as a community grant-maker.

Another strategy to consider is “matching” the donations of your employees, or reimbursing them for their charitable efforts, such as making cloth masks for a local hospitals or hospice programs. Not only will this showcase your company’s charitable spirit, it will also encourage your employees to get locally involved, serving as ambassadors for your brand.

Of course, there are many ways to show your support, and some of the strategies above may not be feasible for all companies, especially when finances are tight.

Putting it Together

However, there is more to appreciation than money spent. Simply professing your gratitude to frontline medical staff and emergency responders can make them feel like the heroes that they are.

In some cities, businesses have erected “thank you” banners in front of hospitals, fire stations and police stations. Other companies have decorated their windows, purchased newspaper space to share messages, or sent signed cards to provide recognition.

Sharing branded items, donated supplies, and food does leave a lasting impression, and can place your personalized message in the hands of a hero. However, relationships are built on effort and consistency as well – and thoughtful demonstrations of your gratitude, regardless of the cost, will inspire those who serve the vulnerable, and help keep our communities resilient during these unprecedented times.

Scott Steinberg