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What's the Future of Meetings and Events?


What does the future of meetings and events hold for countless organizations worldwide – and how will the business continue to be impacted by the spread of the coronavirus?

Per our latest report, online and digital gatherings are on the rise, with seven in ten event professionals already having rebooted face-to-face programs as virtual events, according to industry leaders. Moreover, Fall 2020 is when most meeting professionals expect to resume live programs, even as they anticipate that online programming will increasingly live side-by-side alongside, rather than detract from, in-person events going forward. Smaller meetings and get-togethers of 50 or fewer people are also predicted to gain at the expense of large-scale gatherings such as conventions and trade shows in coming months.

Moreover, meeting and event planners worldwide are already feeling significant effects of COVID-19 on their business, with eight in ten having been forced to cancel live and in-person gatherings as a result of related complications. However, while many expect a continuing steep drop in the number of face-to-face events being held in coming months, and face a growing push to embrace streaming technology, a large portion still have yet to make the shift to digital – and shift sales strategies in turn.

To learn more, simply click on the infographic below.

Scott Steinberg